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Former Employees, Inactive Employees & Non-Pitt Purchasers

Former employees, inactive employees, and non-Pitt purchasers do not have access to Pitt Worx. These employment types are described as:

  • Former employees - terminated, no longer a Pitt employee.

  • Inactive employees – employees listed as active in Pitt's system but have not been paid in 6 months or employees listed as inactive status due to a leave of absence without pay (i.e. military leave, long-term disability, maternity leave, etc).

  • Non-Pitt purchasers - do not have access to Pitt Passport.

View Payslips

Employees should be sure to save copies of their payslips before they no longer have access to Pitt Worx; however, former and inactive employees who did not save their payslips and no longer have access to Pitt Worx can submit an inquiry selecting Payroll > Pay Statements to request a copy of their payslip from HR Client Services.

Update Address

  • For individuals who have been terminated in the system or do not currently have Pitt Passport access: The individual must create an account online at Individuals will be required to provide their social security number, date of birth, and a personal contact method for multifactor authentication.

  • Non-Pitt Purchasers: Contact their Department Administrator to make address changes.

Form W-2 Access

Former and inactive employees can access their Forms W-2 directly via ADP. Please see the ADP Form W-2 access instructions for additional information.